This year, CSL Pittsburgh South sponsored a family for Christmas. We gathered money and gift card donations, shopped for them and tomorrow we'll deliver to the Salvation Army (where we found the family), a bounty of Christmas when they thought they'd have none this year.
We had a lot of fun doing it and we know that the Good we shared was Spirit expressing through us to them.
Thanks much and have a wonderful holiday season!
Best -
Rebecca Harmon
Board member, CSL Pittsburgh South
Centers for Spiritual Living providing online prayer resources, inspiring blogs, community outreach...and all of it in service to our Global Vision of a world that works for everyone.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Christmas Cookies for Kandahar
Our Center mailed a HUGE box of Christmas goodies to a troop in Kandahar. (I had to get someone from the post office get it out of my car!) We included holiday cards and thank you notes and our Junior Church made them beautiful cardboard wreaths. I had tears in my eyes as it was sent off ... thinking of how the men and women that are serving our country will love the package.
btw - something people might want to know -- we only had to pay postage to the APO address - the government pays the rest to get it overseas. So we in Maryland only paid postage to New Jersey. Angelica Jayne Taggart
Building A Case For the Past
What do you know about
- Raymond Charles Barker
- Robert Bitzer
- Carmelita Trowbridge
- Gene Emmet Clark
or the other great teachers of our heritage?
Do you have anecdotes, stories, photos, or something you learned from or about one of these that deserves to be celebrated by future generations?
We're seeing the creation of a data base of prominent leaders of Religious Science and it is being created from the remembered histories in us.
Edward Viljoen
Oración Afirmativa En Espanol
Dear Friends,
In the spirit of outreach we have begun translating our Online Affirmative Prayer Library into Spanish.
We have two translated, checked, and published and we are excited about doing more.
If you have outreach into other languages, please let me know and I'll post it on our New Thought Resources.
Love Edward
Monday, December 16, 2013
No Room At The Inn? There is Nashville at the Center for Spiritual Living
We at CSLNashville are offering a place to eat and sleep for homeless people twice per month through the winter months. We will host such and event Sunday December 22 as a Christmas special.
One of our practitioners Karlen Evins is the leader of a group called Room In the Inn who have many churches in our area involved in this event.
We pick up people there twice a month on Sunday evenings with volunteers from our center. Room In the Inn offers shelter, schooling and consultation for homeless clients and helps them get back on their feet. We are proud to offer this outreach to our community and to see and feel the blessings such endeavors generate.
Dr. Mitch Johnson Senior minister CSLNashville.
One of our practitioners Karlen Evins is the leader of a group called Room In the Inn who have many churches in our area involved in this event.
We pick up people there twice a month on Sunday evenings with volunteers from our center. Room In the Inn offers shelter, schooling and consultation for homeless clients and helps them get back on their feet. We are proud to offer this outreach to our community and to see and feel the blessings such endeavors generate.
Dr. Mitch Johnson Senior minister CSLNashville.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Meals On Wheels Kansas City Center for Spiritual Living
We will be providing service to Meals on Wheels on November 11, 2013 (Veteran’s Day) at Center for Spiritual Living from 9-11 am.
Meals on Wheels Mission Statement: Better nutrition leading to better physical and mental health for the meal recipients. Volunteers will have the opportunity to provide essential nutrition and friendship to those in need. CSL Service project dates
(Meals on Wheels will meet at CSL on this day to package and deliver meals to home bound senior citizens): Kitchen: volunteers to prepare and meal packaging (no cooking required). Delivery: (2 persons per route) 11 am-12 pm Average delivery time: 1 hour or less.
For More Information, Contact: Crystal Davis, Director CSL Community Outreach Ministry,, or 913-938-2435.
- See more at:
Meals on Wheels Mission Statement: Better nutrition leading to better physical and mental health for the meal recipients. Volunteers will have the opportunity to provide essential nutrition and friendship to those in need. CSL Service project dates
(Meals on Wheels will meet at CSL on this day to package and deliver meals to home bound senior citizens): Kitchen: volunteers to prepare and meal packaging (no cooking required). Delivery: (2 persons per route) 11 am-12 pm Average delivery time: 1 hour or less.
For More Information, Contact: Crystal Davis, Director CSL Community Outreach Ministry,, or 913-938-2435.
- See more at:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
What? A Center for Spiritual Living in where? Shanghai? Seriously? Awesome.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Forty Percent of New Ministers Plan to Lead Special Focus Work, Rev. Russo says...
"40% of new ministers are planning to lead Special Focus work," Rev. Karen Russo says.
With that in mind, it's a great to celebrate ministers who've been serving this way in our movement.
Here is one for celebrating today: Rev. Karen Russo, ordained Center for Spiritual Living minister, has been serving to bring 'spiritual money mastery' to our Centers for Spiritual Living individuals and communities for the last 6 years with her messages, workshops and online resources of The Money Keys.
Just this month October she's been the featured guest at Bodhi in Chicago, CSL Albuquerque, and CSL Tucson.
She's especially generous, principled and powerful in her support of our Practitioners and Ministers. You can get to know Karen at
Rev. Karen Russo
Your Spiritual Guide in Wealth Creation
877.249.0194 x2
Skype ID karen.russo.moneykeys
Are you a special focus minister? What are you doing in the world? We want to know!
"40% of new ministers are planning to lead Special Focus work," Rev. Karen Russo says.
With that in mind, it's a great to celebrate ministers who've been serving this way in our movement.
Here is one for celebrating today: Rev. Karen Russo, ordained Center for Spiritual Living minister, has been serving to bring 'spiritual money mastery' to our Centers for Spiritual Living individuals and communities for the last 6 years with her messages, workshops and online resources of The Money Keys.
Just this month October she's been the featured guest at Bodhi in Chicago, CSL Albuquerque, and CSL Tucson.
She's especially generous, principled and powerful in her support of our Practitioners and Ministers. You can get to know Karen at
Rev. Karen Russo
Your Spiritual Guide in Wealth Creation
877.249.0194 x2
Skype ID karen.russo.moneykeys
Are you a special focus minister? What are you doing in the world? We want to know!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Bubbles of Love, Humane Society, Women Assisting Recovering Mothers, Relay for Life

We recently completed a project called “Bubbles of Love” in which we collected 5,000 laundry pods for the Domestic Abuse Shelter, to use in their washing machine that operates almost non-stop.
We are currently collecting pet food for the Humane Society, and in December we will be collecting blankets for the homeless. We have a large homeless community in our area, and several of our monthly drives are focused on assisting them. One in particular that we like is collecting socks.
One of our favorite projects is collecting stuffed animals for W.A.R.M., Women Assisting Recovering Mothers. The stuffed animals are placed on the chairs in our Center and given love and hugs through the month before they are delivered. Each stuffed animal has a card attached which is signed by each person who has given it love.
Each year we have a Give-Away Day in which members and friends bring items from home that they no long use or need, and we put them on tables in front of the Center on a Sunday morning. After the service, they are invited to take something home with them, practicing the law of circulation. Whatever is left over is donated to the Hospice thrift store.
Another annual favorite is the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. We have a Relay team registered under the Center’s name. Last year our team was the second highest fundraiser for the Daytona Beach area, out of 20 teams. This year we have created a new fundraising activity. We have a purple and pink toilet that we place on people’s lawns and businesses. They have to donate $20 to Relay for Life for us to remove it. At that time they are invited to request a new recipient. We have had very enthusiastic participation in a very short period of time, knowing this is going to be a big money maker… People are taking pictures of the toilet and posting on Facebook, and others are asking how to get the toilet so they can send it to a "friend"...
We have great fun in our service projects. Our members are unified in the projects, we are creating a positive presence in our community, and we are being of service!
Love and Light,
Rev. David Stork
Rev. Deborah Bevilacqua-Stork
Center for Spiritual Living, Daytona Beach
1301 Beville Rd. #19
Daytona Beach, FL 32119
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Oneness Spiritual Center Is At It Again
In October, we are assisting a women's shelter with
gardening and we are doing peace vigils with Fierce Women of Faith to stop the
violence in Chicago.
In November, we are serving meals at a women's shelter and
we continue to do peace work with Fierce Women of Faith to stop the violence in
Chicago. We are also in the midst of planning a community peace circle.
Peace, Love and blessings,
Rev. Celeste A. Frazier
Community Spiritual Leader
Oneness Spiritual Center
Community Spiritual Leader
Oneness Spiritual Center
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
If You Want To See David Bruner In Lycra....
...then you're going to have to get involved with the annual AIDS/Livecycle.
Since he started in 2007 he has raised more than $35,000 for that charity.
Here are some links to what he has been up to, and who knows, maybe you'll get a glimpse of the lycra.
October Outreach: Warmth for the Homeless - Center for Spiritual Living, San Jose
Community Outreach for October at the Center for Spiritual Living, San Jose:
Help the homeless stay warm!
Winter is coming and while we're appreciating crisp mornings, homeless folks are worrying about how to stay warm. During October we’ll be collecting outerwear (new or gently used and clean) such as jackets, coats, sweaters, sweatshirts / sweatpants, plus cold weather hats, scarves, gloves. We’re also collecting new socks. Any size, any gender – men, women, teens, children. Donations will go to InnVision and Bill Wilson Center.
For more info, contact Dorcas Kelley at

Winter is coming and while we're appreciating crisp mornings, homeless folks are worrying about how to stay warm. During October we’ll be collecting outerwear (new or gently used and clean) such as jackets, coats, sweaters, sweatshirts / sweatpants, plus cold weather hats, scarves, gloves. We’re also collecting new socks. Any size, any gender – men, women, teens, children. Donations will go to InnVision and Bill Wilson Center.
For more info, contact Dorcas Kelley at
Monday, October 14, 2013
What's David Ault Up To? Tooth Brushing Lessons? What?
What a vision, a world in which there is generous and ongoing sharing of resources, in which we view each other as being part of one global family.
Be still my heart.
"Our success is because of your ongoing support in providing these resilient kids a chance for a better now and a brighter future."
David Ault
Oh, and he has a blog too, Cosmic Breadcrumbs. Doesn't the title just rock!?
Oh, and did I mention, he received an International Award for his global activism? Yup.
A New Thought Ann Landers in La Crescenta
Yup, that's what Beverly Craig is up to these days.
Go to and click on the Religion Page and you'll find the bi-weekly column she is facilitating called "Spiritually Speaking.
So fine!
Go to and click on the Religion Page and you'll find the bi-weekly column she is facilitating called "Spiritually Speaking.
So fine!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
What do they think they're doing in Dallas???
It appears to be the case that Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas is in love with community service! They think they can contribute to making the world work for everyone, not just for themselves individually!
What a concept!!!
Their Senior Minister, Petra Weldes says:
We love being part of all kinds of things. Right now our primary projects include:
Our adopted school - Gooch Elementary School, not too far from us. 80% of the kids live at below the poverty line and they don't have much parent involvement. We collect school supplies and uniforms in August and Thanksgiving Baskets in November for them. We have painted their playground equipment, helped out at the last 5 May Day carnivals, and helped them plan, fundraise, get a grant, and put in a series of gardens to use for educational purposes.
We participate every year in the Season for Peace and Nonviolence, and have created a website which houses the practices with affirmations and videos.
We collect eye glasses and medical supplies in Partnership with Roshi Halifax for her annual trip to Nepal.
We collect a "Bear in every chair" for a month a donate them to the local teen shelter.
We participate in the North Texas Food Bank Interfaith Council and Interfaith week, as well as do a peanut butter drive.
We work with a local woman to wrap donated clothes for homeless folks at Christmas time.
Over the years we've done many other projects, including participating in a city-wide mediation project which lowered the crime rate in Dallas, partnering with a group in feeding the homeless, adopting families and distributing donations during Katrina to name a few.
We love being part of making a difference and we love knowing that because we do all this work in the consciousness of an expectation for good and grounded in Spiritual Mind Treatment, we know that every thing we do actually makes an impact.
What a concept!!!
Their Senior Minister, Petra Weldes says:
We love being part of all kinds of things. Right now our primary projects include:
Our adopted school - Gooch Elementary School, not too far from us. 80% of the kids live at below the poverty line and they don't have much parent involvement. We collect school supplies and uniforms in August and Thanksgiving Baskets in November for them. We have painted their playground equipment, helped out at the last 5 May Day carnivals, and helped them plan, fundraise, get a grant, and put in a series of gardens to use for educational purposes.
We participate every year in the Season for Peace and Nonviolence, and have created a website which houses the practices with affirmations and videos.
We collect eye glasses and medical supplies in Partnership with Roshi Halifax for her annual trip to Nepal.
We collect a "Bear in every chair" for a month a donate them to the local teen shelter.
We participate in the North Texas Food Bank Interfaith Council and Interfaith week, as well as do a peanut butter drive.
We work with a local woman to wrap donated clothes for homeless folks at Christmas time.
Over the years we've done many other projects, including participating in a city-wide mediation project which lowered the crime rate in Dallas, partnering with a group in feeding the homeless, adopting families and distributing donations during Katrina to name a few.
We love being part of making a difference and we love knowing that because we do all this work in the consciousness of an expectation for good and grounded in Spiritual Mind Treatment, we know that every thing we do actually makes an impact.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
What's Happening in Seattle?
They are helping make a better world...
For current volunteer opportunities click here.
For current volunteer opportunities click here.
Every 2nd Thursday of the month: FOOD LIFE LINE For The FOOD BANK
Every 4th Friday of the month: FEED HOMELESS TEENS
Every last Saturday of the month*: CSL HABITAT For HUMANITY Project
*Except for April, November and December
*Check the Event & Classes list for next scheduled opportunity
Each April the Sunday closest to Earth Day: EARTH DAY SPECIAL EVENTS
Each April on last Saturday of the month: REBUILDING TOGETHER
Each May for a week: MISSISSIPPI TRIP To REBUILD From Katrina
Each November & December: Holiday Service Projects (Giving Tree, Teddy Bear collection, Scarf making…)
Every 2nd Thursday of the month: FOOD LIFE LINE For The FOOD BANK
Every 4th Friday of the month: FEED HOMELESS TEENS
Every last Saturday of the month*: CSL HABITAT For HUMANITY Project
*Except for April, November and December
*Check the Event & Classes list for next scheduled opportunity
Each April the Sunday closest to Earth Day: EARTH DAY SPECIAL EVENTS
Each April on last Saturday of the month: REBUILDING TOGETHER
Each May for a week: MISSISSIPPI TRIP To REBUILD From Katrina
Each November & December: Holiday Service Projects (Giving Tree, Teddy Bear collection, Scarf making…)
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Spiritual Empowerment Center in Baltimore's Outreach
The Spiritual Empowerment Center in Baltimore reports:
Our outreach is in the form of service and co-sponsoring events with other non-profits.
On 13 October we are co-sponsoring OUTProud in celebration of National Coming Out Day. Our partners are Baltimore Black Gay Pride, GLCCB, University of Maryland STAR TREK program and the Better Life Foundation.
For World Day of Service we volunteered at My Sister's Place a shelter for homeless women and children. We have adopted that non-profit.
This past summer we hosted Financial Literacy Programs addressing homeownership, foreclosure mitigation, insurance, investing and credit restoration. These workshops were for the Greater Baltimore Community. Experts from each industry volunteered their time. We advertised and used our space.
Most recently we partnered with Maryland Institute College of Art to develop an exhibit for their MFA Curatorial Studies Program called: Congregate: Where Faith Meets the Arts. We had an artist in residence for six months and was assigned a student from the program. The exhibit opened on 25 September and closed 3 October. Now 10 or so of the very diverse student body attend our Center for meditation or Sunday Service. Not to mention that we are now involved in several other projects with the college.
Our outreach is in the form of service and co-sponsoring events with other non-profits.
On 13 October we are co-sponsoring OUTProud in celebration of National Coming Out Day. Our partners are Baltimore Black Gay Pride, GLCCB, University of Maryland STAR TREK program and the Better Life Foundation.
For World Day of Service we volunteered at My Sister's Place a shelter for homeless women and children. We have adopted that non-profit.
This past summer we hosted Financial Literacy Programs addressing homeownership, foreclosure mitigation, insurance, investing and credit restoration. These workshops were for the Greater Baltimore Community. Experts from each industry volunteered their time. We advertised and used our space.
Most recently we partnered with Maryland Institute College of Art to develop an exhibit for their MFA Curatorial Studies Program called: Congregate: Where Faith Meets the Arts. We had an artist in residence for six months and was assigned a student from the program. The exhibit opened on 25 September and closed 3 October. Now 10 or so of the very diverse student body attend our Center for meditation or Sunday Service. Not to mention that we are now involved in several other projects with the college.
Nonprofit Partnerships with Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa - Notes of Gratitude
Each year the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa partners with 12 nonprofit organizations that are engaged in work in the world to uplift humanity. These are some of the letters of appreciation we receive from the organizations. We feature one organization per month, giving them time during service to present their organization, and we send each organization a financial contribution monthly.
Slideshow by Jerry and Pat Huffaker
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Cascade Center For Spiritual Living Monthly Seva Project

We've served with a
variety of projects including the soup kitchen, food program for local
school children, AIDs walk, Toys for Tots, collecting school supplies for children
who otherwise wouldn't have them, PRIDE Day, celebrating Mothers' Day with
women in memory care and re-packaging with food rescue.
Stop by our website monthly to see what we're going in the world.
Stäna KnezSpiritual
Member, Community of Welcoming Congregations
Member, Lane Interfaith
See this month's information here:
Friday, October 04, 2013
Animal Ministry Donation Drive is set for the month of October at Center for Spiritual Living.
Please bring donations for Spay and Neuter animals.
Our team leader Susan Bruhn is the lead on this project. We will have a table at church to collect items for the month of October. Spay & Neuter Kansas City Wish List
SNKC is currently in need of the following items from our wish list.
Monetary donations for medical care or other necessities Dog Food Cat Food Tie-outs & Stakes (for 40lbs and up dogs) Leashes Collars Dog and Cat Toys Dog and Cat Treats 1 gallon buckets (water buckets for outdoor dogs) Any size plastic buckets wtih lids Gas Card for transport truck/outreach truck (diesel)
See more at:
Our team leader Susan Bruhn is the lead on this project. We will have a table at church to collect items for the month of October. Spay & Neuter Kansas City Wish List
SNKC is currently in need of the following items from our wish list.
Monetary donations for medical care or other necessities Dog Food Cat Food Tie-outs & Stakes (for 40lbs and up dogs) Leashes Collars Dog and Cat Toys Dog and Cat Treats 1 gallon buckets (water buckets for outdoor dogs) Any size plastic buckets wtih lids Gas Card for transport truck/outreach truck (diesel)
See more at:
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Ministries: Veterans - Stand Down - Oakland Center For Spiritual Living

Please join us as Tent Leaders or Volunteers who are committed in bringing a consciousness of listening and compassion to Homeless Veterans Stand Down. Both of these AMAZING events will help over 600 homeless vets in the Bay Area. The men and women are brought to Local Fairgrounds for 3-4 days, given new clothes, haircuts, fed great food and provided with all kinds of donated services; including spiritual, legal, medical, dental, mental heath, recovery, housing and peer support - all with dignity and respect - thanking homeless veterans for their service to our country. 26% of those on the streets are Homeless Veterans needing to find their way Home. Join us our motto is SIT STAY HEAL BE-CAUSE for ending homelessness. Please consider Volunteering. Please contact Community Outreach with any questions.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Community Outreach within metropolitan Chicago
Projects both independently and in partnership with community-based organizations.
- Cleaning the beach on Earth Day
- Gifting children in the Comer Hospital at University of Chicago
- Gifting underprivileged children in Englewood
- Writing to the troops
- Participating in projects with the Hyde Park Kenwood Interfaith Council
- Tithing to homeless programs
- Mentoring with Imagine Englewood If
- Participating in Peace Day activities with The Peace School
- Participating in neighborhood and city-wide initiatives to prevent violence with Save Another Life Foundation
- Establishing mentorships and participating in vigils with Urban Dolorosa.
- Producing “People Gathered for Peace” event, bringing together community leaders to discuss peace techniques, make legislative changes, remove stress from our minds and bodies and discover methods for healing, connecting and empowering ourselves and our neighbors.
- Screening “PRAY THE DEVIL BACK TO HELL” in conjunction with Fierce Women of Faith.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
There is No Place like Om
El Puente offers educational assistance, food, and microloans mainly to indigenous people in Costa Rica.
The School Program assists families with educational expenses for young children.
The Food Program provides a gathering place, healthy meals, and additional support on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
The Microloan Program provides small loans from $20--$400, with approaches that have been helping people out of poverty globally since 1987. Growth is coming in this program! Stay tuned!
You can donate directly to El Puente and or through OM Spiritual Center.
Helping People Help Themselves ..... Click here for more information. Om Spiritual Center donates monthly to support Nancy and Berry's work.
Om Spiritual Center donates to El Puente and other local groups. We invite you to open the different links below to see the wonderful, dedicated work we embrace as a world community. It is truely inspiring,
Blessings, Rev. Suzette
The School Program assists families with educational expenses for young children.
The Food Program provides a gathering place, healthy meals, and additional support on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
The Microloan Program provides small loans from $20--$400, with approaches that have been helping people out of poverty globally since 1987. Growth is coming in this program! Stay tuned!
You can donate directly to El Puente and or through OM Spiritual Center.
Helping People Help Themselves ..... Click here for more information. Om Spiritual Center donates monthly to support Nancy and Berry's work.
Om Spiritual Center donates to El Puente and other local groups. We invite you to open the different links below to see the wonderful, dedicated work we embrace as a world community. It is truely inspiring,
Blessings, Rev. Suzette
Ventura Center for Spiritual Living Outreach Projects
* Ongoing food collection for Project Understanding
* Donations to Doctors Without Borders
* Salvation Army
* The United Way/Homeless Prevention Fund
* Toy Drives
* Back to School supply drives
* Pens for Children in Afghanistan
* Soles for Souls - sending gently used shoes across the globe
* Treasure Box Food Program
* Animal Outreach
* Donations to Doctors Without Borders
* Salvation Army
* The United Way/Homeless Prevention Fund
* Toy Drives
* Back to School supply drives
* Pens for Children in Afghanistan
* Soles for Souls - sending gently used shoes across the globe
* Treasure Box Food Program
* Animal Outreach
Collaborative Homeless Outreach - Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living
Every Sunday in September, bring your donations for the Collaborative Homeless Outreach. Your donations of gently used clothing and much needed toiletry items (shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, etc…) will go directly to people in need in Albuquerque. The bin is located in the Labyrinth building near the bins for animal supply donations.
GLOBAL OUTREACH SUNDAY Sunday, September 23, 2012 - Hampton Roads

Around the globe…join other Centers for Spiritual Living™ Communities in hosting this Special Event!
A Day of Celebration and Service!
Celebrate and serve with Hampton Roads Center for Spiritual Living, a Science of Mind® Community
Sunday, September 23, 2012
10:30-11:45 am Sunday Celebration
- Celebrate the worldwide growth of Science of Mind®. Experience how We Are One with our international sisters and brothers and what it’s like in their worlds.
- Hear heartfelt stories of how Science of Mind has made a difference in their lives.
- Participate in the CSL Food Project – A fund-raising partnership of our center, Centers for Spiritual Living and Outreach, Inc. This unique fundraising opportunity has a three-fold purpose: it provides food for hungry children in Tanzania, Africa; promotes the expansion of Science of Mind by CSL Global Services, and creates funds for our own center to use in a meaningful way. Through the Food Project, we are living our organization’s vision: making a difference in the world! See donation form…We are grateful!!!!
- Feel the unity….We are ONE!!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Center for Spiritual Living, Orange County

Join us for a Volunteer Day to help the Human Options Women’s Shelter.
There will be three teams:
Gardening/Outdoor Work
Inside Work
Children’s area
If you are unable to volunteer on that day and would like to contribute, we are collecting money to finance all supplies and equipment we will need for the day.
For more about Human Options, see their website at
Sign-ups are in the Social Hall or contact us by phone or email.

Join us for a Volunteer Day to help the Human Options Women’s Shelter.
There will be three teams:
Gardening/Outdoor Work
Inside Work
Children’s area
If you are unable to volunteer on that day and would like to contribute, we are collecting money to finance all supplies and equipment we will need for the day.
For more about Human Options, see their website at
Sign-ups are in the Social Hall or contact us by phone or email.
Community Outreach – Human Options Women’s Shelter
When: Sat, September 28 @ 9:00am - 3:00pm
Where: InSpirit Center for Spiritual Living-OC
25782 Obrero Drive
Mission Viejo,CA 92691
View Full-Size Map »
Kim van Toor
(949) 481-4040
Community Outreach From Rocky Mountain Center for Spiritual Living
Science of Mind
Community Outreach
Community Outreach
January 2010
The West Center
Billie Speilman Center food donations
Women’s Resource Agency Dress for Success Program
ESM Homeless shower donations
Urban Peak Bus Fare
| |
Internal Project--Carla's Yard
| |
MOSAIC art drive
Lyon’s eyeglasses drive
Teddy Bear Drive Memorial Foundation
Global Project TBA
For more information call us at (719) 638-8814
or email us at
or email us at
Uplifting Hearts * Embracing Dreams * Celebrating Life
Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas - Global Outreach Sunday
A Day of Celebration and Service!
Around the globe…join other Centers for Spiritual Living™ communities hosting this Special Event
Celebrate the worldwide growth of Science of Mind®. Experience how We Are One with our international sisters and brothers and what it’s like in their worlds.
Hear heartfelt stories of how Science of Mind has made a difference in their lives.
Participate in the CSL Food Project – A fund-raising partnership of our center, Centers for Spiritual Living and Outreach, Inc. This unique fundraising opportunity has a three-fold purpose: it provides food for hungry children in Tanzania, Africa; promotes the expansion of Science of Mind by CSL Global Services, and creates funds for our own center to use in a meaningful way. Through the Food Project, we are living our organization’s vision: making a difference in the world!
View a PowerPoint slide show and Food Project video.
Enjoy music selected for this special day.
Feel the unity….We are ONE!!
A Day of Celebration and Service!
Around the globe…join other Centers for Spiritual Living™ communities hosting this Special Event
Celebrate the worldwide growth of Science of Mind®. Experience how We Are One with our international sisters and brothers and what it’s like in their worlds.
Hear heartfelt stories of how Science of Mind has made a difference in their lives.
Participate in the CSL Food Project – A fund-raising partnership of our center, Centers for Spiritual Living and Outreach, Inc. This unique fundraising opportunity has a three-fold purpose: it provides food for hungry children in Tanzania, Africa; promotes the expansion of Science of Mind by CSL Global Services, and creates funds for our own center to use in a meaningful way. Through the Food Project, we are living our organization’s vision: making a difference in the world!
View a PowerPoint slide show and Food Project video.
Enjoy music selected for this special day.
Feel the unity….We are ONE!!
Center for Spiritual Living in Saddleback Valley Invests in Community Outreach Programs
"One of the church's other successful charity programs is an adopt-a-family charity which encourages church members to donate gifts and food to a single family in need. This year, the Center for Spiritual Living selected a family of six that includes four children. In November, the church members provided their "adopted" family with a complete Thanksgiving Dinner. Throughout the month of December, the church will continue to collect donations to provide the family with a Christmas celebration meal and holiday gifts. Church members and community members who are interested in contributing to the adopt-a-family charity can contact Reverend Allison or Donna Marchand at the Center for Spiritual Living in Saddleback Valley for more information. Additionally, the church will be holding a special event after services on Sunday, December 16, 2012 to wrap the family's holiday gifts together."From
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