Wednesday, December 30, 2020

January 2021 Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

Each month, our Spiritual Leader Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen films a video to introduce Centers for Spiritual Living’s suggested monthly topics and themes.

January’s theme and the theme for 2021 is Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision.

The suggested topics for January are:

· (1/3) Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

  • · (1/10) Grounding Beyond the Beginning
  • · (1/17) Here and Now
  • · (1/24) Looking Ahead
  • · (1/31) Looking Above
To see the video on Vimeo in English, click here or scroll to the bottom of this message.


Cada mes, nuestro Líder Espiritual, el Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen, filma un video para presentar los temas mensuales sugeridos por los Centros para la Vida Espiritual.

El tema del mes de enero y del año 2021 es: Sabiduría eterna, Visión evolutiva.

Los temas sugeridos para enero son:
  • (1/3) Sabiduría eterna, Visión evolutiva
  • (1/10) Enraizado más allá del principio
  • (1/17) Aquí y ahora
  • (1/24) Mirando hacia el futuro
  • (1/31) Mirando hacia arriba Vea el video de enero de 2021 haciendo clic abajo:

Monday, December 21, 2020

Making Magic / Haciendo Magia

Think of each day as a holy opportunity to celebrate. Particularly in a month like December, when there are so many sacred days from various spiritual traditions. The idea of making every day worthy of honoring spiritual inspiration seems apt and even significant, even the days that are not ‘red-inked’ on our calendar.

Every day, it turns out, can be made to be significant.

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth
December 27, 2020 – Making Magic

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina
Semana 4: Haciendo Magia

Monday, December 14, 2020

Cultivating the Light / Cultivando la luz

It is interesting to me that Light plays such an important role in touching our hearts…

  • Whether a candle on a cake,
  • A fire in the darkness
  • Or the glow on the face of a saint…

Light has marked occasions of human significance since time began.

  • Bonfires celebrated winter solstice rites..
  • In Praise of ancient Gods, fires were lighted:
  • At Hanukkah, Jews lighted, and still do, candles in a menorah in memory of the miracle of many centuries ago...
  • Christians, as a sign of the presence of holiness.

If you like, you might even use a candle to help the process. Light a candle every morning. For five minutes be still and look at it. And in your mind state FIRMLY Spirit is the light of intelligence in my life.

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth
December 20, 2020 – Cultivating Light

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina
Semana 3: Cultivando la luz

Monday, December 07, 2020

Preparing the Way / Preparando el camino

Whether you are in a northern or a southern climate, you know that during the winter months, the nights get longer and colder and it is not unusual for people to look forward to the return of the light and its warmth. The winter months, associated in some climates with hibernation and renewal, can be an opportunity for spiritual practitioners to go within, rekindle their inner light, and prepare the way for another spring.

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth 

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina

Monday, November 30, 2020

Videos - December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth / Celebrando la Verdad Divina

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth
December 6, 2020 – Welcoming the Shadow

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina
Semana 1: Dando la Bienvenida a la Sombra

Jacob Liberman wrote that “A shadow is produced when an object blocks light. Whenever we block the light guiding our life, we create a shadow. Only when we are transparent and in alignment with the source of light, as when the sun is directly overhead, does the shadow magically disappear.”

In our spiritual culture, one of the ways we explore both the shadows and the light is through one-on-one spiritual coaching with licensed practitioners who have been trained to work with clients to identify blocks and provide spiritual mind treatment to address them. If you are not in an area where a licensed practitioner is available, you may consider visiting our world ministry of prayer where you can submit a request for spiritual mind treatment.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 29, 2020 - The Grateful and Cheerful Receiver - El receptor agradecido y alegre

Giving and receiving connected; you might even say they are the same thing. We can’t have one without the other. So good cheer is as essential in receiving as it is in giving.

Here’s the thing, some of us are better at giving, and others are better at receiving. Some of us practice being good givers to hide the discomfort we feel around receiving. And others of us receive in a way that – well, to be frank – is more like demanding or taking. The point is, if you are like me and everyone else, there is probably an area in your giving and receiving where you can do better, and good cheer is a clue.

To bring good cheer into your receiving, consider the practices suggested in this week's video.  Follow the links below to view them in English or Spanish:

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 22 - Are You Motivated to be a Compassionate Conduit?

A conduit is a channel that carries something like water or electricity.

The conduit is not the source of the water or electricity; it is the channel through which the water or electricity flows.

Thinking of electricity as an illustration of the Divine is very helpful to me in my studies of Science of Mind. Electricity is inherently neutral. It has no regional, religious, racial, gender bias. It respects no person more than another, no being more than another. It just is. 

I think of electricity as being everywhere, and it always was everywhere, but not visible, not useful, until it was channeled and directed for a specific purpose. And of course, using electricity requires an understanding and respect for the laws that govern it.

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, follow the links below:

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November 15 - How Engaged is God as Us? ¿Qué tanto está comprometido Dios con nosotros?

Whether I am aware of it or not, I am a spiritual being, and the Divine is 100% ready, willing, able, and available to express through my words, to create through my actions, to love through my heart.

Maybe you can think of a time when you were less engaged in your spiritual life? I can. And maybe you can remember a time when you turned back to that spiritual something that lives in you? I can. And when I did, the miracle of miracles is that It, the Divine, was exactly where it always was, in the same state it always was, 100% ready, willing, and able to flow through the channel I opened in me.

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, click the links below:

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

November 8 - What is God Giving You? ¿Qué te está dando Dios?

Imagine with me a scene in which you become annoyed by something that happens. A good example that triggers me is someone who cuts me off in traffic. 

When I've been annoyed by such a situation, I believe my justified annoyance comes from the inconsiderate driver, which may be the case. Still, if I can pause in my thinking while driving safely, I may notice that my annoyance arises without complete knowledge of what is happening in that other car that cut me off. 

My annoyance arises from what I make the situation mean. And at that moment, I find myself disconnected from a greater possibility that Life Itself produces. Would I have the same response if I knew the driver was hurrying to take a pregnant person in labor to the hospital? And, because I don't know the driver's heart and motive, why am I choosing the meaning that leads to annoyance?

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, follow the links below:

Saturday, October 31, 2020

November 2020 Divine Authority to Choose - La capacidad Divina para elegir

It seems to be that through our ability to choose, we are sometimes more and sometimes less in alignment with that creative Power flowing through us. 

It is one thing to know we are vehicles through which divine Creativity may be expressed, and it is another thing to rise, choose, and act on that knowledge. We do so through kindness, philanthropy, and good works in the world. By acting, we set up a generative force of circulation and move even closer to our ultimate fulfillment of using the creative power of our minds to channel and magnify the ultimate goodness, the Divine. The more we act in the world, the greater our capacity to be a conduit of the infinite, creative Power.

To view this week's videos in English or Spanish, follow the links below:

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

October 25, 2020 – Bridges That Last - • Semana 4: Puentes que perduran

"No greater good can come to you than to know that the Power already within you is the power to live, the power to create. Not only to create for yourself, but for others -- the power to do good, the power to heal, the power to prosper. You are to realize that the Power within you is a Divine Authority. It is a dispenser of the Divine Gifts. It is a giver of life, of joy. It proclaims the Kingdom of Heaven, the harmony of the soul, and the unity of all being."  

Dr. Ernest Holmes 

The key words in that are “not only to create for yourself, but for others,.”

The power we have to do good

The power we have to reveal wholeness

The power we have to prosper

Is not for ourselves alone, but for others.

October 25, 2020 – Bridges That Last 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 18, 2020 – Bridge Over Troubled Water - • Semana 3: Un puente sobre aguas turbulentas

To explore our connections to each other requires that we embrace an important idea, that there is something in you that is just like it is in me. That though we may be different, and those differences to be appreciated, raised up, and celebrate, nevertheless, there is something that is in you just the same way that it is in me.

This week the content creators invite us to explore the role that forgiveness work plays in taking down barriers that prevent us from seeing each other through the filter of shared experience.

They present us with these compelling questions:

  • Is there an area in my life where I withhold love and caring?
  • Is there something that is calling for forgiveness?
  • What would happen if I were to set aside real or imagined injury and behaved as I did before?
  • What would happen if I was to return to the love that was the original source of this connection?
  • Would I be willing to listen and hear what is said with an open mind and an open heart?
To see the video in English or Spanish, click the link below:

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

October 11, 2020 – Inextricably Connected - Semana 2: Inexorablemente conectados

Dr. David Suzuki, the environmentalist describes it as a web of life, that must become the foundation of the way we live, and he says that

We must work from dominance to partnership

From fragmentation to connection

From insecurity to interdepencence.

I get that.

And an elder of the Chippewa Tribe, Sun Bear, said it like this: "I do not think the measure of a civilization Is how tall its buildings of concrete are. But rather how well its people have learned to relate To their environment and fellow humans."

To see the video in Spanish or English, click the link below:

October 11, 2020 – Inextricably Connected

Semana 2: Inexorablemente conectados

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

October 4, 2020 – Just Like Me = • Semana 1: Igual que yo

Centers for Spiritual Living provides content for our Centers and Study groups worldwide In the form of suggested monthly themes. This month’s content is brought to us by our Virtual Ministries and Focus Ministries and the topic is Cosmic Connections.

Rev Donna N. Smith, and Rev. Ann Thacker propose this idea:

“Knowing that we are each a reflection of the Infinite Self, we can move towards an understanding that everyone around us reflects ourselves. And just like me, everyone is doing the best they can, with what they have, in the time that they have. When we can find compassion for ourselves in doing the best that we can, we are able to transfer our compassion to those around us.”

What a beautiful and challenging idea for these times. Can I make more generous assumptions about other people. Can I make those generous assumptions based on the idea that we are connected on a cosmic level? Can I stay in true to that idea that we – spiritually speaking – share the same heritage?

To see the video in English or Spanish, click on the link below.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Spiritual Guide to Voting from Centers for Spiritual Living

Centers for Spiritual Living Guide to Voting
Prepared by the Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee 

The world is perhaps at the point of the greatest crisis in all human history, and there seem to be two attitudes we can assume. One is calmness, faith, and conviction; the other would be despair. And despair is unthinkable. Let each, in [their] own way, dedicate [their] time, service, hope, and spiritual conviction to the common cause of liberty and justice for all. And let's work without tiring and pray without ceasing.

Dr. Ernest Holmes The Essential Ernest Holmes, p. 179 


The Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee of Centers for Spiritual Living offers this voting guide for the first time as support for voters from our spiritual communities in applying our vision and values when making electoral choices. Centers for Spiritual Living, a nonprofit religious organization headquartered in the United States, does not endorse any candidates for public office. Instead, we encourage our spiritual community to apply Science of Mind teaching, vision, and values in making choices. 

We do encourage everyone eligible to vote to register and to vote prayerfully, considering each candidate, ballot initiative, and policy in the light of our vision and values when selecting those who will serve in public office. Although references throughout this guide are made to nonprofit regulations and voting resources in the United States, the spiritual guide to voting may be applied to voting worldwide by adjusting content and nonprofit regulations to local laws and resources.

Click the link below to download the Spiritual Guide to Voting from Centers for Spiritual Living

For more information about Centers for Spiritual Living, click here:

Monday, September 21, 2020

Just Do it

When faith inspires, we are called into action of some sort. It could be prayer, pastoral care, service to the community, or other creative action. The point is, when we block, hinder, and are outside of the flow of faith, we stagnate rather than flourish and thrive. Faith without works is dead. Faith with works of love, service, and Truth, therefore, is life!

And, we may not always know clearly what to do exactly…

And, what actions we commit to may not always work out perfectly

And, we may feel conflicted and self doubting when we do act

And, still, we must act.

Global Vision Videos - September week 4 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Do You Have Faith?


It’s all about getting clear with yourself about what faith means.

Here are some ideas that might help.

First, faith is not the same as bargaining, begging, manipulating or pleading. It is a calm assurance that all is well, even when we are experiencing distressing events.

Faith is not the same as superstition – it doesn’t require ceremonies, or rituals. It’s deepened, rather, by confidence in the nature of the Divine. Trust, in what is.

Faith is not static, it takes practice having calm assurance, especially during times when things are going well, so that when they are not, we’ve built a faith fitness. Can I respond to the world with love and compassion in good times and in stressful times? Can I go with the flow trustingly when things are good and when things are not so good?

Global Vision Videos - September week 3 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Faith: Skepticism, Doubt, and Fear


My grandmother had faith that all things work out in time. I realize now that it took great strength for her to proclaim that faith - when life disproved it frequently. She would, nevertheless, resolutely declare that she expected good to come about, and then she would wait for things to work out as expected. I doubted sincerely that she was right, and yet…..she was.

Global Vision Videos - September Week Two (1) from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Facing Fear: It's All About Faith


Here is a story that beautifully illustrates faith.

Global Vision Themes: September Week One from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

This Month’s theme content is provided by 

CSL Practitioner Council

Team Members indluce:

· Charlie Sheppard, RScP, CSL Asheville

· Louise Tallen, PhD, RScP, Ahava CSL, Lexington KY

· Kim Burgner, RScP NW Arkansas CSL TC

· Kris Ferraro, RScP, CSL North Jersey

· Ninoska Duenas, RScP, CSL Grenada Hills, CA

· Joy Lynn Hertz, RScP, CSL Albuquerque

· Tony Diaz, RScP

They remind us that Dr. Martin Luther Kind, Jr. said that “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase,” and that Khalil Gibran said “Faith is a Knowledge within the Heart beyond the reach of proof.”

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Better Together

The creators of this week's content give us this image:

Wire rope begins with a single steel wire that's anywhere from .6 to 8 millimeters in diameter. The first step is to wind several of these small wires together into a strand. With each addition strand, a greater strength develops.

Any single strand of wire is perfectly okay, and when integrated and wrapped around others, it becomes something mighty.

In the same way, our inclusion of more and different cultures, views, individual expressions, makes us stronger. Better. Together.

To view this week's video on Vimeo, click the link belwo:

August 23, 2020 - Better Together

Global Themes: Week 4 August 2020 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Let Someone Do It For You!

How about taking a break and getting someone to pray for you?  Our World Ministry of Prayer is hosting an event tomorrow, and I urge you to sign up and get some prayer.

Let someone take care of YOU for a moment.

Prayer Power Hour

  • Tuesday, August 18, 2020
  • 1-2 pm central time
  • Live one-on-one prayer with a CSL prayer practitioner or minister
  • Set your appointment here:

 Want to share via social media?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Color Blind or Color Full

Here are three ideas to consider this week:

1. Oneness is not Sameness.

2. Diversity is the natural state of creation

3. We are connected with those that are different:

It is a common idea in our world today, that If someone doesn’t believe or think or even look like we do, they could not possibly be connected to us.

Our call to action this week might be this. If we are interested in embodying Oneness, try being in conversation with people who have differing worldview with the intention to listen to and take in the differences, because in that kind of being open, we get a glimpse of what Oneness is.

To view this week's video on Vimeo, click the link below:

August 16, 2020 - Color Blind or Color Full

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Who Are We?

In our teaching, the Science of Mind, there is an invitation to get clear about who you are as an individual, what your gifts, experiences, and talents are, because when you and I are clear, it allows us to embrace how others show up as the unique emanations of the Divine that they are. 

And, not only may we allow others to show up, but also embrace that their differences and uniqueness permits me to experience the Divine more deeply.

To see this video on Vimeo, click the link below

August 9, 2020 - Who Are We?

Week 2 August 2020 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Let's Get Together and Feel Alright

Among our shared values in Centers for Spiritual Living are Diversity and Inclusivity, prompting us to value, embrace, and celebrate individuals as they express through differences of gender, ethnicity, culture, history, experience, talents, and sexual orientation. 

Our values guide us to include representatives from all our constituencies in leadership, sacred service, and decision making. Doing so is a worthy practice. It may not always be comfortable because of our human tendency to create safety through familiarity. 

However, when you and I can be surrounded by differences and maintain our awareness of oneness, we are truly walking the path of Science of Mind. Indeed, when we know who we are, and our daily practice of dwelling in the Divine is strong, we become able to embrace differences, not as a threat, but as an out-picturing of the Divine, and therefore, something to cherish.

If you would like to see this week's video on Vimeo, click here:

Global Themes: Week 1 August 2020 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Tao of Freedom

June 26, 2020 - The Tao of Freedom

There is a Divine Will, our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, taught us, and it is for the good of all, for life. So let my choices and thoughts be like the divine will – for the good of all.

Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat Pray Love wrote “You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control thing sin your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.”

If you would like to see this week's video on Vimeo, click here:

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Truth Will Set You Free, June 19, 2020

Have you ever thought about that? What is the Truth that is true all the time, not just for me, not just for you, but for all?

Have you ever thought about where that Truth is to be found? Who owns it? Who has access to it?

Is it available only for these people but not for those?

Have you ever stepped back to think about your thinking – to ask yourself, how did I come to believe something is true, and, is what I believe is true, true for everyone, always, everywhere?

To see this week's video on Vimeo, click here

GT July Week 3 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

None are free, until all are free, July 2020 Week 2

Global Vision Themes, July 2020, Freedom

Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restriction. Our teaching, the Science of Mind, asserts that freedom is the birthright of every soul. Science of Mind also teaches that our freedom must be used with wisdom, so that we don’t confuse freedom with being unmindful, or selfish, or unkind.

To see this week's video on Vimeo, click here GT July Week 2 

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

July 2020, Freedom for All

Global Themes - July Week 1 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

"I live in divine freedom, and every day I take action to share that freedom wqith the world."

To see this video on Vimeo, click here.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The heart is a symbol of that which is central, vital, the place of love and truth within us.  In our Science of Mind teaching, we consider that holy place to be not only at the center of our physical being but at the center of all that is.  In other words, you and I, co-exist in the Center of the Divine, in the heart of God, wherever we are, and whatever we are doing.

May Global Themes - Week 5 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

En Espanol

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Path Made Clear

It’s challenging to have a relationship with someone if we don’t listen to them or if we don’t allow their input and wisdom to influence us. The more we listen to others, the easier it becomes to know them, recognize and trust them. The same is true for the relationship with our hearts. If we don’t practice listening to the still quiet voice within, we may not easily recognize it’s guidance.

 May Global Themes - Week 4 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

En Español

Monday, May 11, 2020

THe Great Work of Your Life

In this third week of May, we focus on the idea that there is a unique purpose for every life; that we each exist and have come into being so the Divine spark within may be consciously and freely expressed; that there is a life to live that only we can live. This uniqueness is the Divine seeking to express itself in new, fresh ways through us.

May Global Themes - Week 3 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

En Español

Monday, May 04, 2020

May GLobal Themes Week Two Mothers Day

Thank you to all of those who gave birth to and nurtured another life.  It is the most important job and responsibility for one to take on.  We are grateful for the continuity and the rhythm of Life Itself. We are thankful for the Divine Wisdom ever-present and available. We are grateful for that Inner Voice that never leads us astray. We still our minds and open our hearts and listen.

May Global Themes - Week 2 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

En Español

Friday, May 01, 2020

Listen to Your Heart

May's global theme suggested focus for May is Listen to Your Heart! - these introduction videos are available in English and Spanish.

 Global Themes - May Week 1 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

En Espanol

Monday, April 20, 2020

Fire In The Belly, Urging You Into Action April Global Themes - Week 4

Centers for Spiritual Living suggested theme for April is Bright Beginnings, and this week’s recommended topic is Fire in the Belly.

Fire in the belly is an idiomatic expression that refers to the stamina and passion, or inner drive to achieve something. It’s the feeling that urges us into action.

What is urging you into action right now?


Edward Viljoen

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Unwritten Script for Your Life - Global Themes Week 3

What do you use your beautiful imagination for?

Do you pour your creative energy into worrying about the worst case scenarios?

I was brought up in a household where that was considered to be the responsible thing to do. In Science of Mind I learned a better way to use my creative power by imagining the world the way I would like to see it.

I invite you to consider this week what a bright beginning for you might be. What new direction would you like to see emerge for you, for your loved ones, and for our world. And then, importantly, I invite you to take time to sit quietly and use your beautiful imagination, to do what Don Miguel Ruiz describes as dreaming a new dream for creation.

Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Share Your Vision With the World

Park Point Press is Center for Spiritual Living’s exclusive book publishing imprint. Since 2013, we’ve helped Science of Mind and New Thought authors tell their stories to readers around the globe.

Today’s Park Point Press is elevated to reach a broader audience through full-spectrum marketing solutions coupled with customized print and digital distribution. Just as every book is unique, each author receives a publication package tailored to meet their vision.

Park Point press is hosting two FREE informational sessions in April — one for new authors and the other for published authors looking to take their marketing efforts to the next level. Both sessions will be hosted using Zoom technology.

Select the one that works best for your needs and register online:

Ready, Set, Publish: Become a CSL Author

Monday, April 13, 2020 at 12 p.m. MT

Register here

This Zoom conversation will include tips for getting your idea off the ground, the benefits of working with Park Point press and the value of our three-tiered introductory packages.

Duration: 60 minutes

CSL Savvy: Marketing Your New Book

Monday, April 20, 2020 at 12 p.m. MT

Register here

For published authors, learn how to leverage Park Point Press and CSL’s unique and far-reaching audience to get your story in the hearts and mind of more people. Topics will include creative social media strategies, becoming an Amazon #1 bestseller and engaging digital content for all demographics — podcasting, livestreaming, author interviews and more.

Duration: 60 minutes

When you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email and virtual meeting details.


We look forward to seeing you in the Zoom Room to explore how Park Point Press can bring your book to the world.

Happy writing!

The CSL Publishing Team

Photo by Kourosh Qaffari on Unsplash

Monday, April 06, 2020

Broken Open - April Global Theme Week 2

My colleague Dr. Margaret Stortz, writes about resurrection in a practical and personal way, saying that ever day we wake up, we are engaging in a kind of resurrection. She asks us to remember that there are always awaiting possibilities for us, and to let each day’s resurrection hold real meaning by being mindful of how we want to wake up and show up in the world.

What would a bring new beginning look like in your life?

Blessings to you

Edward  Viljoen

Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Rabbi George Gittleman in Conversation with Edward Viljoen

I'm talking to faith leaders from different traditions, asking them how they are responding to the feelings arising in their communities.  This conversation with Rabbi George Gittleman of Congregation Shomrei Torah can be seen on YouTube by clicking here.

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

April Week One - Bright Beginnings

 April Global Theme Video - Week 1 from Centers for Spiritual Living on Vimeo.

Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Sound Track "Sovereign"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Thursday, March 05, 2020

STATEMENT ON COVID-19, (Coronavirus)

A person said, "O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?" The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, "Tie her and trust in Allah."
"I now exercise my fearless faith in three ways - by thinking, speaking, and acting. I am unmoved by appearances; therefore, appearances move." 
Florence Scovel Shinn starts with the knowledge, backed by conviction and belief, that there is One Life, that Life is perfect, and that Life is our life right now. In It is the complete and whole pattern of perfection. We accept without reservation that It is the spiritual reality of our being. It is the only source, the only cause of every perfect action and function in our body. It alone heals and makes whole. Regardless of what the condition may be, It knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.
Ernest Holmes
When gathering information about the coronavirus, named Covid-19, it is essential to use reliable sources and to be on the alert for incomplete or sensational news. In some countries, the number of reported cases appears to be on the rise, and deaths have occurred. However, there continues to be reason to believe that we can respond proactively and affirmatively by first paying attention to the power of our consciousness, and second, by taking actions recommended by health officials, which, it turns out, are also effective against other flu strains and infections. (See the list of resources below.)
As important as it is to be well-informed and in touch with reliable external sources of information, it is equally important to turn attention inward to the Source of our being and to let that inner connection guide us through whatever fear or concern is clamoring for our attention.
At the heart of our teaching, The Science of Mind, is the concept of Oneness. This Oneness out-pictures as our wholeness and interconnectedness. With this in mind, there is no source of information outside us that may influence us without our agreement. Everything in the world can then be seen as arising from our shared reality, not as something to be conquered, but to be transcended and transformed through our understanding and love. While we tend to our responsibilities in the world by washing our hands and tying up our camels, surely, we must also mindfully strengthen our awareness of Oneness and trust it to inspire in us the appropriate actions that match our spiritual Wholeness.
We may well need to keep abreast of national, regional, and local developments concerning Covid-19. And equally important, we can take this opportunity to confidently embrace our teaching of Oneness. Acknowledging that fear of the virus is part of our shared experience, we are called to respond with both compassion and spiritual conviction, and to move forward together with deep recognition of Oneness and Wholeness.
Rev. Edward Viljoen, DD (Hon.)
Spiritual Leader
Centers for Spiritual Living

Spiritual Suggestions
·       Request Affirmative Prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment)
·       Build your Spiritual Mind Treatment online.
·       Listen to recorded Spiritual Mind Treatment
·       Contact World Ministry of Prayer
·       Sit quietly daily and contemplate the Divine Wholeness as you understand It
·       Take time in nature to be still
Practical suggestions from The World Health Organization include:
·       Washing your hands for 20 seconds and using alcohol-based hand sanitizer
·       When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – discard tissue immediately into a closed bin
·       Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Practical Suggestions for public spaces
·       Temporarily suspend unnecessary physical contact (hugging, holding hands during service, and handshaking.) 
·       Regularly sanitize public surfaces (doorknobs, lecterns, keyboards)
·       Provide soap and paper towels in restrooms, and containers of hand sanitizer (with at least 60-90% alcohol.)
·       Encourage people who are not feeling well to remain at home
·       Train staff and volunteers as needed
Additional Resources
The following links are national or global in scope. You may also have local resources, including your health department, local hospitals, etc. where you can obtain additional information.
World Health Organization (WHO) -  COVID-19 websiteUS Center for Disease Control (CDC) - What You Should KnowCanada Public Health Service - Coronavirus infection: Prevention and risks 

 A Spiritual Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer) by Dr. Petra Weldes
There is a Power and Presence, which is the Life behind all Creation. It is the Divine Pattern of Wholeness which emanates through all creation. Every tree, flower, cell, and atom is Love made manifest, uniquely and joyously being Life. Divine Intelligence guides, guards, and directs every aspect of creation, manifesting Wholeness as each being is already wholly itself. 
Divine Intelligence and Love is my life and the life of every person, for in Oneness, there is no separation. The same Life, the same Wholeness, is my life and is all life, right now. And as I know this, accept this as the spiritual and infinite Truth of my being, I know this is the truth of every being. I know that each of us is Divinely guided to the right and perfect action and spiritual conviction, which results in perfect health. I do not allow fear to be my truth, nor do I let my fear for others rule my expectation of Wholeness. I accept only that which is healthy and good for myself and others. I know every person treating this virus, every system, every medicine, every affirmation, and every prayer that is used to heal, is guided by the same Divine Intelligence. It works through all health workers, all procedures, and all medicines to bring about a swift end to the spread of this virus. Each person is guided to the proper physical care and spiritual conviction to stay healthy and rise above the conditions.
I stand firm in the belief that only Spirit is causal and am grateful to speak the word of Wholeness and Oneness. I trust in the Infinite Divine Intelligence and the Universal Law to make the way possible as Love leads each of us into ways of health and wholeness. In this deep gratitude, I release my fear, and stand in perfect faith, knowing each action I and others take, is for the health and wholeness of all sentient beings.
And So it is.

"We should read, study, think and meditate upon those statements which tend to calm, to give poise and confidence, and erase all thought of fear and tension. The subjective law can only operate upon that which is given it, so we must be very careful of our patterns of thought...We should think of ourselves as being surrounded by perfect life and poised in eternal calm. We are in a sea of untroubled waters of life, from which we may freely drink. We must do the drinking. No one else can do this for us. We should hold out the cup of acceptance until it is filled and overflowing with the manifestations of our desires. This chalice of the heart is held up that the heavenly flow may fill it with God's abundant life."

Ernest Holmes

Centers for Spiritual Living 
573 Park Point Drive   |  Golden, Colorado, 80401
Phone: 720-496-1370  |  Fax: 303-526-0913

© 2013 Centers for Spiritual Living