Monday, November 30, 2020

Videos - December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth / Celebrando la Verdad Divina

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth
December 6, 2020 – Welcoming the Shadow

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina
Semana 1: Dando la Bienvenida a la Sombra

Jacob Liberman wrote that “A shadow is produced when an object blocks light. Whenever we block the light guiding our life, we create a shadow. Only when we are transparent and in alignment with the source of light, as when the sun is directly overhead, does the shadow magically disappear.”

In our spiritual culture, one of the ways we explore both the shadows and the light is through one-on-one spiritual coaching with licensed practitioners who have been trained to work with clients to identify blocks and provide spiritual mind treatment to address them. If you are not in an area where a licensed practitioner is available, you may consider visiting our world ministry of prayer where you can submit a request for spiritual mind treatment.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 29, 2020 - The Grateful and Cheerful Receiver - El receptor agradecido y alegre

Giving and receiving connected; you might even say they are the same thing. We can’t have one without the other. So good cheer is as essential in receiving as it is in giving.

Here’s the thing, some of us are better at giving, and others are better at receiving. Some of us practice being good givers to hide the discomfort we feel around receiving. And others of us receive in a way that – well, to be frank – is more like demanding or taking. The point is, if you are like me and everyone else, there is probably an area in your giving and receiving where you can do better, and good cheer is a clue.

To bring good cheer into your receiving, consider the practices suggested in this week's video.  Follow the links below to view them in English or Spanish:

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 22 - Are You Motivated to be a Compassionate Conduit?

A conduit is a channel that carries something like water or electricity.

The conduit is not the source of the water or electricity; it is the channel through which the water or electricity flows.

Thinking of electricity as an illustration of the Divine is very helpful to me in my studies of Science of Mind. Electricity is inherently neutral. It has no regional, religious, racial, gender bias. It respects no person more than another, no being more than another. It just is. 

I think of electricity as being everywhere, and it always was everywhere, but not visible, not useful, until it was channeled and directed for a specific purpose. And of course, using electricity requires an understanding and respect for the laws that govern it.

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, follow the links below:

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November 15 - How Engaged is God as Us? ¿Qué tanto está comprometido Dios con nosotros?

Whether I am aware of it or not, I am a spiritual being, and the Divine is 100% ready, willing, able, and available to express through my words, to create through my actions, to love through my heart.

Maybe you can think of a time when you were less engaged in your spiritual life? I can. And maybe you can remember a time when you turned back to that spiritual something that lives in you? I can. And when I did, the miracle of miracles is that It, the Divine, was exactly where it always was, in the same state it always was, 100% ready, willing, and able to flow through the channel I opened in me.

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, click the links below:

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

November 8 - What is God Giving You? ¿Qué te está dando Dios?

Imagine with me a scene in which you become annoyed by something that happens. A good example that triggers me is someone who cuts me off in traffic. 

When I've been annoyed by such a situation, I believe my justified annoyance comes from the inconsiderate driver, which may be the case. Still, if I can pause in my thinking while driving safely, I may notice that my annoyance arises without complete knowledge of what is happening in that other car that cut me off. 

My annoyance arises from what I make the situation mean. And at that moment, I find myself disconnected from a greater possibility that Life Itself produces. Would I have the same response if I knew the driver was hurrying to take a pregnant person in labor to the hospital? And, because I don't know the driver's heart and motive, why am I choosing the meaning that leads to annoyance?

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, follow the links below: