2017: Values-Based Spiritual Living - Vision and Planning Process
The Cultural Integrity and Evolution committee is proposing another voluntary grassroots theme for 2017 of Values-Based Spiritual Living. The theme is based on the our organization’s values stated in our Organizational Design Model. These monthly values focuses are being presented in collaboration with Science of Mind Magazine. See the Monthly Themes Overview for the complete year program.
As we plan for 2017, the committee recommends that Centers and groups with Centers for Spiritual Living engage in a creative and visionary process:
- Invite a groups of people, between 12 and 48 is ideal, to participate.
- Print out the 12 month’s themes on 11x17 paper and ask people to self select which page they want to work on.
- Ask them to evenly divide themselves so that each page has an equal number of participants.
- Print out the directions on 8.5x11 paper and give each one to each group. After adequate time has passed for each group to complete their assignment, ask for a spokes person to give a brief report on their process and results.
- Invite someone to type up the results of all 12 pages and share the results with this committee if you choose.
Kenn Gordon
Edward Viljoen
Kathy Hearn
Michele Synegal
Jim Lockard
Walter Drew
Cultural Integrity and Evolution CommitteeHere is how Santa Rosa has started to vision and plan with Practitioners. Next is with the general community. We are encouraging the Ministers, Leadership Lay Person and Practitioner Councils of our movement to do the same, and we are encouraging local Centers to do the same.
Eventually, we will enroll ministers to create suggested content resources to share with everyone.
If you have difficulty viewing the video above, you can see it on YouTube here.