Wednesday, December 30, 2020

January 2021 Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

Each month, our Spiritual Leader Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen films a video to introduce Centers for Spiritual Living’s suggested monthly topics and themes.

January’s theme and the theme for 2021 is Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision.

The suggested topics for January are:

· (1/3) Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

  • · (1/10) Grounding Beyond the Beginning
  • · (1/17) Here and Now
  • · (1/24) Looking Ahead
  • · (1/31) Looking Above
To see the video on Vimeo in English, click here or scroll to the bottom of this message.


Cada mes, nuestro Líder Espiritual, el Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen, filma un video para presentar los temas mensuales sugeridos por los Centros para la Vida Espiritual.

El tema del mes de enero y del año 2021 es: Sabiduría eterna, Visión evolutiva.

Los temas sugeridos para enero son:
  • (1/3) Sabiduría eterna, Visión evolutiva
  • (1/10) Enraizado más allá del principio
  • (1/17) Aquí y ahora
  • (1/24) Mirando hacia el futuro
  • (1/31) Mirando hacia arriba Vea el video de enero de 2021 haciendo clic abajo:

Monday, December 21, 2020

Making Magic / Haciendo Magia

Think of each day as a holy opportunity to celebrate. Particularly in a month like December, when there are so many sacred days from various spiritual traditions. The idea of making every day worthy of honoring spiritual inspiration seems apt and even significant, even the days that are not ‘red-inked’ on our calendar.

Every day, it turns out, can be made to be significant.

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth
December 27, 2020 – Making Magic

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina
Semana 4: Haciendo Magia

Monday, December 14, 2020

Cultivating the Light / Cultivando la luz

It is interesting to me that Light plays such an important role in touching our hearts…

  • Whether a candle on a cake,
  • A fire in the darkness
  • Or the glow on the face of a saint…

Light has marked occasions of human significance since time began.

  • Bonfires celebrated winter solstice rites..
  • In Praise of ancient Gods, fires were lighted:
  • At Hanukkah, Jews lighted, and still do, candles in a menorah in memory of the miracle of many centuries ago...
  • Christians, as a sign of the presence of holiness.

If you like, you might even use a candle to help the process. Light a candle every morning. For five minutes be still and look at it. And in your mind state FIRMLY Spirit is the light of intelligence in my life.

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth
December 20, 2020 – Cultivating Light

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina
Semana 3: Cultivando la luz

Monday, December 07, 2020

Preparing the Way / Preparando el camino

Whether you are in a northern or a southern climate, you know that during the winter months, the nights get longer and colder and it is not unusual for people to look forward to the return of the light and its warmth. The winter months, associated in some climates with hibernation and renewal, can be an opportunity for spiritual practitioners to go within, rekindle their inner light, and prepare the way for another spring.

December 2020 Monthly Theme: Celebrating Divine Truth 

Tema del mes: Celebrando la Verdad Divina