We walk a path of awakening, growth, and spiritual deepening through classes, workshops, seminars, and spiritual practices that allow us to embrace education as a lifelong endeavor. We consistently welcome more and more of the Divine Nature to be realized within us and revealed through our relationships, our decisions, and our contributions to the world.
The purpose of spiritual education is to continuously expand our mental horizons and broaden our understanding of this Life and how to live it more powerfully. Reading, studying, meditating, and discussing spiritual ideas helps us avoid becoming dogmatic or stuck in a rut of our own thinking.
As you read the weekly quotes from Ernest Holmes this month, try to think of ideas for your own continued self-education and how you can stay open to the richness of spiritual knowledge available to you at the Center and beyond.
March 5
You will read every [person's] philosophy, reserving for yourself the prerogative of choice, knowing that any philosophy based on a Unitary Wholeness has the elements of truth. No philosophy is perfect, your own is not. Everything is evolving, growing, expanding.
Ernest Holmes
In what ways are you evolving, growing, and expanding?