Wednesday, November 04, 2020

November 8 - What is God Giving You? ¿Qué te está dando Dios?

Imagine with me a scene in which you become annoyed by something that happens. A good example that triggers me is someone who cuts me off in traffic. 

When I've been annoyed by such a situation, I believe my justified annoyance comes from the inconsiderate driver, which may be the case. Still, if I can pause in my thinking while driving safely, I may notice that my annoyance arises without complete knowledge of what is happening in that other car that cut me off. 

My annoyance arises from what I make the situation mean. And at that moment, I find myself disconnected from a greater possibility that Life Itself produces. Would I have the same response if I knew the driver was hurrying to take a pregnant person in labor to the hospital? And, because I don't know the driver's heart and motive, why am I choosing the meaning that leads to annoyance?

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, follow the links below:

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