Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 22 - Are You Motivated to be a Compassionate Conduit?

A conduit is a channel that carries something like water or electricity.

The conduit is not the source of the water or electricity; it is the channel through which the water or electricity flows.

Thinking of electricity as an illustration of the Divine is very helpful to me in my studies of Science of Mind. Electricity is inherently neutral. It has no regional, religious, racial, gender bias. It respects no person more than another, no being more than another. It just is. 

I think of electricity as being everywhere, and it always was everywhere, but not visible, not useful, until it was channeled and directed for a specific purpose. And of course, using electricity requires an understanding and respect for the laws that govern it.

To see this week's videos in English or Spanish, follow the links below:

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